Experience a captivating two-day winter wedding by Califano Productions at Babington House in Somerset, part of the Soho House collection. The Orangery restaurant transforms into the whimsical Cabaret Club, named after the couple’s Boston Terrier, Kingsley. The house’s facade dazzles with winter-scape Projection Mapping, creating a magical atmosphere. The grand finale features an unforgettable After Party with the sensational New Atlantics from ALR Music and a spectacular 14-fixture laser show.
A traditional church ceremony followed by a lively, unique, and inhibition-free celebration with 20s themed elements and entertainment.
Traditional English countryside elements meets playful 20s style celebration. Live band and cabaret entertainment. The contrast of the traditional country church wedding with a theatrical reception is a perfect expression of the bridge and groom.
A flawless blend of classic and modern in the English countryside